Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Week 8 Comments and Feedback

Feedback In: It is helpful to hear the comments and suggestions from my classmates. The comments have been positive and heartwarming, and the suggestions have been useful and insightful. The most helpful comments are the ones that ask for small clarifications and tweaks, and the ones that offer new and different ideas to add to my stories to enhance them.

Feedback Out: I believe I am leaving decent comments and feedback for my fellow classmates. More than likely, I encourage the highlights I see in a classmate's writing and add some suggestions that the author could take into consideration when editing his/her story post. Overall, through my creative writings of my classmates, I am getting some wonderful ideas on how I myself could enhance my own writings and how to be more creative.

Blog Comments: Since this is an online class, we get to know one another through connecting with each other through our blogs. Whether that is reading the Introduction, favorite place(s), or a story he/she has written, we get a glimpse of who are fellow classmates are. I am happy about my Introduction post and how it has allowed people to (virtually) get to know who I am. It would kind of cool as extra credit to write more blog posts sharing more about us (like favorite food or favorite OU memory).

Looking Forward: To be honest, I need to read through all of the feedback comments that my classmates have given me. I really have not been able to look and read through each one because these past few weeks have been extremely hectic, but maybe over Spring Break or during a calm weekend, I can truly read them and use those comments to enhance further writings. When it comes to my blog, I would like to make it prettier! I enjoy it simple and clean, but I kind of just want to tinker with it and maybe add a bit more of me into the layout and design. :)


"Feedback helps you know how far you can go" - well isn't that the truth! Source: Cheezburger.

I chose this image because feedback is scary and sometimes intimidating, but at the same time it shows us as writers our potential and can be a motivation to test the boundaries of our writing. Feedback changes our writing capabilities to writing abilities

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