Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Week 8 Reading and Writing

All in all, I believe the reading and writing assignments worked well for me! With the reading assignments, it both had structure to shine a light on the pathway yet freedom to make your own tracks. Dr. Gibbs gave us the deadline and order for each of the reading assignments, but we had the ability to decide what specifically we wanted to talk about said readings. I think the Story idea is unique and refreshing because we as students are allowed to create our own stories based on the readings we read. We had the power to drastically change it or keep it as similar to the original epic story that we learned and read about. Looking back, it is kind of cool to see me progress from sticking as much to the original story to slowly but surely being brave enough to truly put my own twists on the stories and make it unique. Ahh the Project website. To be truthfully honest, I was extremely scared beginning my Portfolio because I did not know how to go about it or if I was technically doing everything correctly! However, I am glad I had written a previous story in my blog I felt confident in and good enough to post in the Portfolio so having that blog to refer to and use as a resource sure does helps. I am also glad that the pattern of the Portfolio goes like "Story-Revision-Revision" because that gives students time to really execute their best work.

This is my favorite image from a previous blog post because it is about the love story of Rama and Sita. I honestly loved reading the Ramayana because it was this romantic-action epic that pulled readers into the depths of its pages. The Ramayana is about Rama and Sita's love story and this is the picture that sort of depicts that love they had for each other though it was rocky and a bit tragic. I am a sucker for romantic stories and the Ramayana intrigued me with such an epic love story.

Looking forward, I want to do better on staying on top of assignments. I did so much better when we first read the Ramayana. Whether that was due to it being the beginning of the semester or because I was more interested in the storyline of the Ramayana, I know that I was more on top of my game then. Moving forward, I want to do a better job at this and also begin to enjoy writing the rest of my Portfolio. I have enjoyed writing it and other blog posts, but I feel like I can dive in and really put my best foot forward moving on to the future! I want to go out of my comfort zone and really test my writing abilities and see what (maybe) cool stories I can write. :)

Sita and Rama happy together. Source: Flickr.

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