Thursday, March 8, 2018

Week 8 Progress

Looking Back: Yes, I am happy with my progress so far! I am up-to-date with my assignments and I am about write were I need to be to achieve the grade I would like in this class. The class assignments I enjoy the most are the Reading Notes and the Blog Comments. I have only really done the extra blog commenting extra credit, which looking back (and forward) I want to improve on and actually do the extra credit options.

Looking Forward: Like I mentioned above, I want to use more of the extra credit options. They are easy and kinda fun, and it is a great way to catch up or get ahead in this class. Something new I want to try is to take a more creative spin on my stories I am going to write in my Portfolio. I have never thought that I was that creative, but why not give it a shot and try to reach for those aspirations, right? :)


Words to live by for this class and our lives: "It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves." Source: Flickr

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